ADU Research

We developed program frameworks to incentivize ADU development for low-income Section 8 tenants.

In 2017, We were awarded a HUD Section 4 Capacity Building Grant for Community Development and Affordable Housing from Los Angeles Local Initiatives Support (LA LISC) that supported their organizational work to increase ADU advocacy in Los Angeles.This grant enabled them to continue to find solutions that made ADUs a viable housing option for low-income renters, with a focus on Section 8 voucher holders.

In addition to allowing us to establish an ADU & Section 8 incentive program, this project was also intended to strengthen partnerships among government leaders, community organizations, and financial investors in order to achieve financial stability for the program.

This research supported by HUD was foundational to the development of the Backyard Homes Program (BYH) which Office of: Office now program manages.

Funders: LA LISC.